Brenda made the reservation with Olivier’s Rust in De Rust. While she was talking and trying to confirm dates, I said, we have to check if we can get kennel space for Nunus and then confirm. Well, the outcome of that was that Susan, the Olivier’s Rust owner, said bring her along. So we took Nunus with us! I was apprehensive, but this was the first revelation—She travelled well, behaved exceptionally, enjoyed herself and appeared as if she’d been doing this all her life.
And we did, each in his own way. In the stillness of the quiet Klein Karroo we could stand back and refocus on the bigger picture, be honest and clearly see the value of the simple life-style.
De Rust is a village of simple life and Donkie Teksies.The Donkey Cart project was started to convert a
problem into a feature. Donkeys were verwaarloos and looked it. The carts were held together with wire and make-shift fasteners. 

The project saw carts restored, fitted with rubber wheels and painted green. The visitor can now hire a ride. It provides a small income for the owner, the donkeys are better off and what used to be a disgrace has become a feature in De Rust.
Meiringspoort is an experience. It is a beautiful place in nature. But above all, I’m proud to be South African when I see a place like this. It is clean and well managed. There are no plastic bags and beer cans lying around. The stopping places are clean and quiet.
Meiringspoort is an experience. It is a beautiful place in nature. But above all, I’m proud to be South African when I see a place like this. It is clean and well managed. There are no plastic bags and beer cans lying around. The stopping places are clean and quiet.
On the Wednesday we took a ride to nearby Uninondale to see Paul and Carol. They were both out and while waiting we looked around the village and visited some of the churches. It was good to see Carol again. Next time we'll see Paul. The Klein Karroo is an experience. I wonder why we are so fascinated with Disneyland and casinos. There's not been a time when visiting this beautiful part of our land has not transformed my thinking and lifted me.